19 Haziran 2013 Çarşamba

Uprise of the Chapulers

18/06/2013 tarihli Aargauer Zeitung'da yayınlanan yazının orjinalidir. 

Imagine a generation grew up with computer games, internet and smart phones. A generation whom were seen as ignorant, apolitical and insensitive, this generation became the key actor of the resistance in Turkey. People between the ages 15 to 32 just surprised all of their parents, rest of the society and mostly themselves. People never became a part of a demonstration before, who never smelled pepper spray or saw a panzer other than movies started to resist the brutal police violence on the streets. The reason they all gathered and united was their sense of justice. Each of them was sick of something different about the government politics and one day they all decided to say “We had enough” The thing that gathered and united them all together was a park. The breaking point became the trees, which will be the most naive reason of a revolution.

Imagine a generation who were playing war games on their computer turned into warriors in two days. They learned how to protect themselves and others from gas bombs; they learned how fast they can run when a panzer was chasing them. Most importantly they learned to be one, united and together for the first time, even though they were never on the same side before. They didn’t have anything other than their courage, intelligence and sense of humor. ; A generation who were educated, knows the world, speak foreign languages and most importantly capable of using social media as a second language. They used Twitter efficiently for communication and also to spread their resistance to the world. They get in touch with foreign media to tell what is going on in Turkey, to show what they are doing and also to show what the police and government are doing to them. The online revolution that they started gain lots of attention and supporters. 

The highlight of the resistance was doubtless, the intellect of the participants. They organized perfectly; they started a new civilization in the park. They made a perfect order to keep people live together at the same place with different ideas; which the government couldn’t achieve in 11 years. The park became the symbol of friendship and freedom. The level of humor was so high in this resistance; the graffities became the proof of the high sense of humor. Imagine people who were rebelling against police and then writing: “enough, i will call the police”, thousands chanting funny slogans to the police. They were dancing while building up barricades, still making fun of everything when they are in a really serious and scary condition. When PM Erdogan was insulting them by saying “çapulcu” to which means marauders and looters, they just gave a new meaning to the word; made a new noun out of it which means the one who is seeking for their rights, outstanding and resisting. “Chapulling” and then they made a new slogan “Eveyday im chapuling” .This spirit keeps them together and alive, and gives them the power to keep on.

They rebel against authority, government, fascism, violence in the most peaceful way. They used literature; they used music, art, photography,video, graphic, design, dance, humor as their weapons which was really surprising for everyone. They keep calm, they stayed united, they learned to love each other, they learned how strong they are, they learned what they are capable of and that nothing can stop them. Imagine a generation singing when one of them is playing it on the piano in the middle of Taksim square; saying all together: “imagine all the people living life in peace. You, you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us and the world will be as one”

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